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An agent is an artificial intelligence that can answer questions and automate processes for users. There's a wide spectrum of agents that can be built, ranging from simple chat bots to fully automated AI assistants.

  • Agent: 理解使用者意圖並且回覆問題並執行自動化流程的的 AI 助理。

Building an agent

  1. Planners
  2. Plugins
  3. Persona
A copilot for sending emails

Take for example, a copilot that helps a user write and send an email. After getting instructions from a user, the copilot would need to generate a plan using the available plugins to complete the task. This plan would include steps like...

  1. Get the user's email address and name
  2. Get the email address of the recipient
  3. Get the topic of the email
  4. Generate the subject and body of the email
  5. Review the email with the user
  6. Send the email